AQUMON launches SmartGlobalX, Asia’s first Smart Bitcoin Investment Solution

With a mission to empower everyone to invest for long term wealth growth, AQUMON introduces SmartGlobalX, Asia’s first Smart Bitcoin ETF Investment Portfolio. Compared with cryptocurrency trading that demands rich investment experience, intense time and attention, SmartGlobalX can help investors manage risks and get stable returns through data-driven, automated strategies. Integrating AQUMON’s flagship SmartGlobal algorithms with a Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), the portfolio brings growth and aggressive clients a hassle-free way to invest in securitized cryptocurrency assets.

The growing popularity of cryptocurrencies - such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin - are expected to drive the market in the forthcoming years. As one of the most popular and widely adopted cryptocurrencies across the world, Bitcoin’s value has been breaking record new highs every day, with its value up +830.24% in the past year. It currently has the largest market capitalisation of USD647.2 billion.

The most straightforward way to invest in Bitcoin is to purchase it directly and keep it in an encrypted wallet that only the buyer has access to. For some investors, this process raises flags surrounding cyber security and regulatory risks. Alternatives are to invest in Bitcoin ETFs, Bitcoin Investment Trusts, Blockchain ETFs, or invest in listed companies that invest in the cryptocurrency. Nevertheless, in this rapidly changing landscape of cryptocurrencies, where price is determined by supply and demand with no solid regulations in place, there is a need in the market for a safer and simpler way to invest in this rising trend.

Kelvin Lei, CEO & Co-Founder of AQUMON, said: “Cryptocurrencies became an asset class that cannot be neglected in today’s financial market, and the gen-Z investors on AQUMON’s platform are looking at ways to invest in it. As a digital wealth management platform that aims to make investment accessible and affordable to the general public, we understand the hurdles for retail investors to invest in this high-risk asset. SmartGlobalX manages the risks and concerns investors have, making Bitcoin investment effortless and approachable.”

SGX integrates AQUMON’s flagship multi-asset, globally diversified SmartGlobal algorithms with exposure to a professionally managed Bitcoin ETF to reduce risk in times of market volatility. With lower management fees of 0.4%-1% and <1% tracking errors, Bitcoin ETFs are believed to be more liquid and secured with a higher return compared to other Bitcoin investment options. 

With an investment threshold as low as USD1,000, SmartGlobalX allows users to invest in Bitcoin in a hassle-free, risk-controlled manner. By investing in Bitcoin ETFs instead of the trading Bitcoin itself, AQUMON strategically manages the complications and security concerns associated with the digital currency.  Investors do not need to worry about cryptocurrency exchanges, wallet security and instead fully focus on the features of Bitcoin. Furthermore, SmartGlobalX’s Bitcoin ETF allocation only makes up 2%-4% of the entire portfolio, meaning investors have Bitcoin to lift up their portfolios when other segments of the market are down and vice versa. Compared to a total return of 56.85% from AQUMON’s SmartGlobal Max, the added Bitcoin ETF gives AQUMON’s latest SmartGlobalX a total return of 106.12% (Backtested results from 2016 till Q1 2021).

Visit AQUMON to learn more about SmartGlobalX.